Friday, 16 December 2016

DE4101 Design Research 1 - Update!

Here's an update on how my work is going for my DE4101 Design Research 1 work. My last DE4101 blog post was a month ago and contained a list of the books that I have gathered for my Literature Review. Since then, I have also gathered 10 websites and 10 journal entries and have finished writing my Literature Review (though I may tweak it further in the days leading up to the submission on January 2nd).

The focus of my Literature Review has been atmospheric game environments and how they are created. The texts that I have gathered are from a variety of sources and authors, including books, websites, magazines and journals written by all manner of professionals, indies and hobbyists. My goal for the review was to learn what methods are used to create atmospheric environments, mostly in games, but I also read a bit about film and stage sets.

Conducting this review has been a lengthy and demanding but ultimately very valuable process. I've plumbed the depths of literature on environment art and have uncovered some very thought-provoking arguments and concepts which will surely help me to further improve my creative process.

But my DE4101 work is not over yet! I will soon be getting started on the contextual review, which will cover non-textual sources such as videos, images, games and so on.

Watch this space for more DE4101 updates!

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